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تتولى Fraser Curley إدارة شركة Bridge Connect، وهو أحد المخضرمين في مجال التكنولوجيا والاتصالات ويتمتع بخبرة دولية تزيد عن 40 عامًا.

ويحظى بدعم فريق من المحترفين ذوي الخبرة في الإدارة والاستثمار والتكنولوجيا.

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Fraser Curley 

Managing Partner

Fraser has spent over 40 years in the high-tech markets, including defense electronics, mobile telecommunications, and corporate venture capital.


Richard Perry

Associate Senior Partner

For over 20 years, Richard has consistently demonstrated his ability to help clients make transformational change through strategic marketing and brand improvements. 

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Karl Booth

Associate Partner

Karl has 30 years’ experience working in Europe, US and Middle East with MNOs, MVNx and Roaming businesses.
He has played a pivotal role within Vodafone UK.


Ahamed Khan

Senior Consultant

Ahamed is a UK-based ICT professional with nearly 20 years of experience in IT infrastructure, cloud computing, and emerging technologies.


Alan Harper

Associate Senior Partner

Alan is a veteran of the telecoms industry having spent over 40 years building and running international telecoms and technology businesses. 


Thomas Strohmaier

Associate Partner

Thomas has more than 20 years of experience in innovation strategy, business planning and M&A in the telecoms and ICT markets.


Claire Kavanagh

Senior Consultant

Claire is a seasoned customer experience consultant with over 20 years in the telecommunications industry, specialising in retention and service automation.



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